Ethno-ISS Press Release. Embargoed until July 1 2020. Patch by George Henry Longly
Victor is Professor of Material Culture within the Material Culture Group at UCL and works on the material culture of Low Earth Orbit, architecture, domesticity, the archaeology of the recent past, and critical understandings of materiality and new technologies. Currently he is Principal Investigator of the 5 year European Research Council funded research project: ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extraterrestrial Society: the International Space Station (ERC Advanced Grant, no. 833135) and is one of the theme leaders of the ESA_lab@UCL.
GHL (George Henry Longly) is a British born London-based multidisciplinary artist whose practice draws on museology, anthropology and current affairs it and expands out of the gallery and takes many different forms. Recent solo shows include; The Tissue Equivalent, The Palais de Tokyo, Paris; We All Love Your Life Red Bull Studios NY, 2016; The Smile of Snake, Valentin Paris 2016. Group shows in include; I’m in your veins, Aarhus, 2019; Prediction, Mendes Wood, São Paulo 2016; The boys, the Girls and the political, Lisson Gallery London 2015.