Hoetep Blessings


By Tabita Rezaire

1 July 2020


Dear spectators you have come here to heal. To learn about the power of the cunt, her juice, and electric wisdom. The tribe of hoeteps will come and show you their sublime cunt energy so that we heal.


What is hotep? Hotep is a kemetic term from ancient Egypt meaning to be at peace, at ease, living in accordance with Maat : the Kemetic cosmological principle of truth, balance, harmony, and justice. The hieroglyph for hotep represents an altar or an offering table. In its original form the word hoetep is spelt HTP.

Hoetep blessings

Hoetep Blessings is an offering celebrating spiritual knowledge(s) and Black femme technologies. This litany for survival and pleasure is an invitation for the divine power of the cunt to flow.

In a play of linguistics excavations, this prayer seeks to reinstall the power of the Kemetic-bantu word htp, often written and pronounced hotep, meaning to be at peace and represented by the hieroglyph of an altar. Yet, hotep has recently come to mean, in Internet vernacular, a ‘problematic’ category of Black men using spiritual rhetoric to defend patriarchal standards.

Tabita Rezaire Hoetep Blessings, 2016, Copper Installation and Video, 12min 30s

Tabita Rezaire Hoetep Blessings, 2016, Copper Installation and Video, 12min 30s

Hoetep Blessing surveys htp’s meanings and symbolic in diverse fields from Egyptology, computing science and neurophysics amid internet slang.

Rezaire generates a new mythology by adding an ‘e’ to the conventional spelling of htp - from hotep to hoetep - and thus instills the spiritual power of the ‘hoe’ within the peace of hoetep.

By rescuing the energy of the erotic as a spiritual weapon Hoetep Blessing is an odd to Black spiritual femmeness.


Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.

Navigating digital, corporeal and ancestral memory as sites of struggles, she digs into scientific imaginaries to tackle the pervasive matrix of coloniality and the protocols of energetic misalignments that affect the songs of our body-mind-spirits. Inspired by quantum and cosmic mechanics, Tabita’s work is rooted in time-spaces where technology and spirituality intersect as fertile ground to nourish visions of connection and emancipation.

More about Tabita Rezaire